Spatial plan of special planning area mountain Cer
Ministry of construction, transport and infrastructure
Spatial plan of special planning area mountain Cer
Ministry of construction, transport and infrastructure
Budget of the Republic of Serbia - Ministry of construction, transport and infrastructureБуџет РС - МГСИ
The spatial plan of the special purpose area of the Cer mountain represents the planned base and provides spatial conditions for the establishment of the area of exceptional features Cer and the construction of the Memorial Complex Cer. The sustainable development of the special purpose area is based on the protection, promotion and use of natural values and cultural assets, the development of tourism, sport and recreation, and the functional integration of the PIO Cer and the wider environment.
The decision on the preparation of the Spatial Plan for the Special Purpose of the Cer Mountain area was published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 84/2017. A public insight was held in the period from December 17, 2018 to January 15, 2019. The Public Session of the Commission for Public Inspectorate was held on January 30, 2019. Preparation of the Report on the Public Insight into the Draft Spatial Plan and Report on the Strategic Assessment of the Influence of the Spatial Plan on the Environment is in progress.
The development of the proposed spatial plan started in January 2018, when the contract was signed with contractors.
March 2019.