Extended capacity of bulk for bulk cargo transport at the terminal of Smederevo port
Project value:
93 million euros, out of which 53 million euros is the value of works on the construction of port infrastructure, whose construction is the responsibility of the Republic of Serbia.
Source of finance:
50% of the value of works on the construction of port infrastructure is financed under the Financial Agreement for the Development of River Transport Infrastructure between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank, while the remaining 50% of the funds are provided from the budget.
Project manager:
"Ehting d.o.o.", Traffic Institute CIP doo, CPM consulting DOO "," Utving VS DOO "and" Trioprojekt d.o.o. ".
The selection of the contractor is expected to happen by March 2020.
The selection of the supervisory authority is expected by March 2020.
Significance of the project:
The city of Smederevo is located on the European TEN-T Corridor "Rhine-Danube" and in the immediate vicinity of Corridor 10. This project involves the construction of a terminal for bulk and general cargo of the Port of Smederevo, which will enable the transfer of about five million tons of various types of goods. Realization of this project will be enabled in addition to increase transhipment of various types of goods and relocation of the "old port" from the center of Smederevo to the industrial zone, which will significantly contribute to the improvement of environmental protection in Smederevo.
Project status:
The Feasibility Study with the Preliminary Project and the Environmental Impact Assessment Study, as well as the Project for Construction Permit, were adopted. Construction permit was issued on July 16th, 2019.
The tender procedure for the selection of contractors for the construction of port infrastructure, as well as supervision will begin in August 2019, and the conclusion of the contract and the commencement of works is expected in March 2020.
Implementation of the procedure for awarding a concession for the construction of ports, maintenance of port infrastructure and port management is expected in mid-2020.
Start of the project:
September 2017
Completion of the project:
December 2022