Amendments to the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the Infrastructure Corridor of the First Grade State Road No. 21 Novi Sad-Ruma-Sabac and the First Grade State Road No. 19 Sabac-Loznica
Ministry of construction, transport and infrastructure
Amendments to the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area of the Infrastructure Corridor of the First Grade State Road No. 21 Novi Sad-Ruma-Sabac and the First Grade State Road No. 19 Sabac-Loznica
Sector for road transport, roads and traffic safety
Budget of the Republic of Serbia
Amendments to the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area are the best way to make the bypass around Ruma and multi-criteria evaluation, which was carried out using a procedure known as the Summary Assessment Table, which includes a comprehensive assessment through consideration of technical feasibility, economic assessment, environmental impact assessment, impact on spatial planing consequences and risk assessment of the project. The state boundry includes amendments to the Spatial Plan, covering parts of the territory of the municipality of Ruma and the entire cadastral municipality of Ruma. Amendments to the Spatial Plan contain a detailed elaboration for the planned purposes, as well as a planning basis in terms of direct implementation and will be implemented by location conditions and urban projects in accordance with the law.
Decision on drafting amendments to the Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose Area Infrastructure Corridor of the First Grade State Road No. 21 Novi Sad-Ruma-Sabac and the First Grade State Road No. 19 Sabac-Loznica, was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 88/17. Opinion on the proposal of the Regulation on the determination of the Amendment to the Spatial Plan on the basis of the Report on the conducted public insight is underway.
6.000.000,00 RSD (with VAT)
The development of the proposed spatial plan was initiated in December 2017, when the contract was signed with contractors.
February 2019